Writing Rules

Writing Rules

The manuscripts to be submitted to the journal must be prepared in accordance with the following spelling rules and the journal template in order to be evaluated.

Manuscripts to be submitted to the journal should be written in a single column on one side of an A4 size page. There should be 2.5 cm margins on all sides of the page and paragraphs should start 1.25 cm. from the inside. The full text should be typed using Microsoft Word program in "Palatino Linotype" font, 10-point font size (Turkish and English short abstracts should be 9-point font size), single-spaced, and paragraphs (except headings) should be justified. The text length should not exceed 10,000 words in Turkish and English (including titles, abstract, abstract, text, tables, bibliography).

Article Title and Author Information

Article Title: The title of the article, consisting of a maximum of 12-15 words, should be written in 11 pt, without indentation, centered and bold, with only the first letter of the words capitalized. The title should be in Turkish in the Turkish text and in English in the English text.

Name(s) of the author(s): Under the title of the article (without indicating the title), only the first letter of the author(s)'s first name and all letters of the surname should be capitalized, in 10 pt, centered. In articles with more than one author, authors should be listed side by side.


Abstract and Keywords

'Abstract' and 'Abstract' should be written in Turkish and English, not exceeding 250 words. Abstract and Abstract should be indented 1 cm. from the right and left. Keywords (between 3 and 5 words) should be given under the title "Keywords" under the Turkish abstract and "Keywords" under the English abstract.

Abstract (bold 11 pt.)

Abstract text (9 font size)

Key words: (8 pt.)

English Title (bold, 14 pt.)

Abstract (bold, 11 pt.)

Abstract text (9 pt.)

Keywords: (8 font size)


Main Text and Headings

The main text should start immediately after the "Abstract" and "Abstract" sections. In research articles, the text should consist of introduction, method, findings, conclusion and discussion sections respectively. The method section should consist of four subheadings: sample (or research group), data collection tools, procedure (or data collection) and data analysis. In theoretical and review articles, different headings can be used depending on the content of the article. Introduction, method, findings and discussion sections should continue without starting from a new page. Article titles should be written with only the first letter of the words capitalized. At the same time, section headings should be centered and bold; first subheadings should be left justified and bold; second subheadings should be left justified, bold and italicized; third and subsequent subheadings should be left justified and italicized. Section headings and subheadings should not be numbered.


APA 7 (American Psychological Association) edition should be used as a reference for writing references.

Article Template

Articles to be submitted to the journal should be prepared on the "Article Template", taking into account the "Journal Writing Rules".


IMPORTANT NOTE: The files to be uploaded when submitting the manuscript are as follows:

1) Full text in Turkish and English (Name and personal information will not be written, it will be added after the referee process is over)

2) Title Page (Form with personal information)

3) Similarity Report

4) Copyright Form