Technology Integration into Education from Teachers' Perspective: Experiences and Challenges




The aim of this study is to reveal the experiences of science, social studies and classroom teachers about technology integration into education and the problems they experience during these experiences. The method of the research designed according to the qualitative research approach is a case study. In this context, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 9 teachers (3 science teachers, 3 social studies teachers, 3 classroom teachers) who volunteered to participate in the study, which included different technological tools and applications in their lessons. The data were subjected to content analysis. According to the results obtained, the most frequently used tools used by teachers were smart boards and videos, and the most frequently used web pages were EBA and Morpa Campus. In addition to these, they used office program and its components and some interactive tools. They stated that they used some social media platforms and artificial intelligence applications to a lesser extent. Science teachers stated that they integrated technology into their lessons mostly in astronomy, social studies teachers in maps and disasters, and classroom teachers in addition-subtraction and four operations. However, in this integration process, teachers stated that they experienced some problems in terms of technical-physical, student-oriented, curriculum-content, technology competence and techno-administrative aspects. These results were compared with similar and recent studies in the literature and specific recommendations for teachers, curriculum development specialists, educational institutions and new researcher(s) were given.


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How to Cite

Taşdere, A., Işıklı, M., & Yıldırım, D. (2024). Technology Integration into Education from Teachers’ Perspective: Experiences and Challenges. Journal of Elementary Education: Theory and Practice (JELEDU), 2(1), 37–74.


