Comparison of 2019 and 2024 Primary School Turkish Course Curricula in the Listening/Watching Skill Area
Primary School, Turkish lesson, Listening/monitoring skills, CurriculumAbstract
Listening skill, which is included in communication skills, is a critical skill that affects success in both school and social life. Listening skill is accepted as one of the four basic skill areas in Turkish Language Teaching Programs in Turkey and various methods and achievements are recommended for the development of this skill in students. The process of how to acquire listening skills is generally classified in three stages: pre-listening, during listening and post-listening. However, in the programs developed at different times, these topics may appear in different ways. For example, it can be said that the achievements included in the 2009, 2019 and 2024 programs for listening skills are not made according to these titles. Undoubtedly, the titles and outcomes for listening skills in Turkish Language Teaching Programs may vary depending on the conditions of the current period and the importance of the meaning attributed to listening skills. In this direction, the aim of this study is to determine the extent to which the listening/watching skill area, which is often described as a “neglected skill” in the literature, is included in the 2024 Primary School Turkish Course Curriculum and to determine the changes made by comparing it with the 2019 Primary School Turkish Course Curriculum. The research was conducted using document analysis, one of the qualitative research methods. In this context, 2019 and 2024 Turkish Curricula were analyzed in detail with the curriculum analysis form created by the researchers. The findings obtained are presented in tables. It can be said that listening skill was seen as a neglected area in the past, but in the 2024 Turkish Lesson Teaching Program, this skill has started to be given more importance. However, it was concluded that a clear classification of listening skills is still not fully established and more development is needed in this regard.
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