Reading Motivation Scale Development Study
Reading motivation scale, Likert scale, Elementary school, Reading, Motivation to readAbstract
Read: It is a complex, laborious, and mental action. One dimension of this action is phonetic awareness, word recognition, vocabulary, reading comprehension, etc. While reading has different components, motivation is also a part of it. Reading motivation shows a multidimensional structure that can be developed or transformed. In this context, it is considered essential to determine students' motivation levels. This research aimed to create a scale to assess the reading motivation levels of 4th-grade elementary school students. For this purpose, the need was first determined, an item pool was created, expert opinions were obtained, and preliminary testing and pilot applications were carried out with different participants. Then, the scale was administered to the students for validity and reliability research. The study participants were selected using the maximum diversity sampling method and consisted of 432 students from the third, fourth, and fifth grade levels. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was applied for the construct validity of the scale, and as a result of this analysis, it was determined that the scale had a five-factor structure. These factors are the Approval Dimension of Reading, Curiosity Dimension of Reading, Interest Dimension of Reading, Difficulty Dimension of Reading, and Social Dimension of Reading. The Cronbach Alpha reliability coefficient of the entire scale was calculated as .78. The scale consists of 25 items in total, and the highest score that can be obtained from the participants is 72, and the lowest score is 18. According to the scoring scale, students' reading motivation level is "shallow" in the range of 18-28, "low" in the range of 29-39, "medium" in the range of 40-50, "high" in the range of 51-61 and "very high" in the range of 62-72.
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