Determining the Selection Standards for Teachers in Science and Art Centers




Science and Art Center, Superior Intelligence, Special Ability, Teacher Selection, Standard


The purpose of this study is to establish standards for the selection of teachers in science and art centers. The Delphi technique was utilized in forming these standards. The Delphi technique involves seeking the opinions of an expert group to obtain a reliable consensus through controlled feedback on existing opinions, creating a systematic process for obtaining a survey. The expert group for this study consists of teachers who have successfully completed the selection process for science and art center positions and are currently working in these centers. The criterion sampling method was employed in selecting the expert group, comprising 15 teachers, 6 administrators, and 2 academics specialized in the field, totaling 23 individuals. The Delphi technique was conducted over three rounds. A 5-point Likert scale was used in the first round, while subsequent rounds focused on achieving consensus on existing performance indicators. As a result of this study, seven standard areas were identified: personal qualities, interest and desire, skills, communication, academic proficiency, technology, and intellectual level. Opinions regarding these standard areas were analyzed, translated into performance indicators, and the consensus among experts on these indicators was highlighted. A total of 64 performance indicators were derived across the seven standard areas, with counts as follows: personal qualities (17), interest and desire (8), skills (14), communication (7), academic proficiency (8), technology (5), and intellectual level (5). These established standards and performance indicators hold significance in enabling teachers to identify areas for self-improvement and formulating a mechanism for self-assessment to enhance their qualities.


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How to Cite

Kahramanoğlu, R., & Kurt, F. (2024). Determining the Selection Standards for Teachers in Science and Art Centers. Journal of Elementary Education: Theory and Practice (JELEDU), 2(1), 154–201.


